Well said Gerry.

Brilliant weekend all round and thanks to James and Kirsty for all the hard work on the organisation front - it all worked brilliantly. Alex and Maria - what absolute stars with the backmarking duties, as Gerry said, we all appreciate it very much you keeping us all together.

The wet Saturday really didn't spoil my enjoyment at all and it was great following Chapper's and Scotty to get the confidence level that much higher with "pushing on" in the wet. Shame the Yak doesn't have the beans to stay with the Blade and the 10 for very long ;D

I was going to say that it was also great following Jaa's lines but then realised I couldn't be sure which lines to actually talk about. Made me think of a song "Jaa's to the left of me, Jaa's to the right - here I am, stuck in the middle of you" ;D ;D Memories of being two abreast, overtaking into bends on the mountain with what seemed like 20yds visibility due to the mist and rain will live with me for a while

Saturday night was such fun too especially the bit when the local girls joined us in the pub . I have never in my life felt like a dwarf before - wow she was tall ;D ;D ;D. Thanks to my darts partner Caz for the encouragement but I let you down, sorry. I blame the Guiness affecting my eyesight ;D

Sunday was just fantastic - I loved every minute of it. Shame I completely missed the fuel stop in Chepstow - I was on autopilot heading for the Aust stop and didn't notice anyone had gone into the petrol station. Sorry I didn't get to say goodbye to many of you but you know I luv's ya anyway.

Terrific weekend spent with a great group of friends. What a terrific way to start a holiday

ps - I have a few items of personal belongings in the Yaks left luggage lockers - I will be at the H&C on Wednesday and will bring them with me.