I think, because I had very limited knowledge of Charley and his life etc, I found last night to be really interesting and quite entertaining. (Thank you loads to Charleyx for running round like a nutter before and after the show so we could get to meet him + thanks to Jackie for sorting out the tickets before you went to Kenya )

I admit I did find the chappie doing the questions a bit, ummm, odd I guess.....mainly because this show has been going on for quite a while and must follow the same line through-out all the shows....but I put that down to the fact that Charley, being dyslexic, probably wouldnt have been able to follow a script maybe so the show was designed to be user-friendly...who knows lol

But nevertheless, I still found it quite interesting learning about all his exploits etc

The curry was ace and I even surpised myself at how fast I managed to munch the lumps of chicken hehe. I would love to go there again for another attempt at what was a gorgeous Korma.

Mikkie, PLEASE, PLEASE say thank you to the guys at the restaurant for making sure my wallet got back to me......I REALLY appreciate their honesty. (And thanks loads for organising it)