A day of two halves for me too !
Took my new love, a Tango orange GSXR750 which I bought last weekend (No.2 R6 no for sale) !
Morning, weather crap, big vibration on bike, not 100% comfy on it and my helmet kept sliding to low so when I was bent over I could only see 15 feet in front :-/

Afternoon, Found that the tank was rubbing on the frame so with the help of Gaffa tape, washers (and Jaa's help) I tried a quick fix. Swapped the seat for the cut down one what came with the bike and as Caz's suggestion gaffa taped some padding into the top of my helmet.
AMAZING... no vibration, the seat was tons better and I could see [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif] the bike flew !!!
Got quicker & quicker as the afternoon went on (OK... you can see it coming can't you) until the last session where I started out following Moo and despite my best efforts couldn't get around him all the session.

Last lap - approaching the last right hander and I remembered the wise words of an instructor was " you have to get out of your comfort zone" to improve !

I made a big effort to get on Moo's tail as he exited the bend and shot by him *
Jubilant at taking the checkered flag in front I then realised that I was going to fast, on the wrong line around the bus stop chicane. Onto the grass (about 18&quot and bang, I was picking myself up with a thumpy head and my heart pounding as I did a quick audit of my arms & legs etc.
Red flag and the marshal is telling me not to move and wait for the paramedic. A quick check over and I was good (ish) to go. Bike looked a little sad and twisted (like bike, like owner) ;D and I was back at the pits to my caring and concerned WB mates.

I'm not bad, feel a bit like I've had three rounds with Mike Tyson (and he won) but could have been worse. Bikes still on the van !

Pic of my new love (this side still looks the same)

* Moo claims that he was slowing down for the flag as I "had" him, but I like to think it was my "no guts - no glory" red mist moment that did the trick.
MOO - thanks for not running me over [smiley=thumbup.gif]

Awesome day - loved it