
Thread: Horses run 9th Sept

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  1. Horses run 9th Sept 
    Administrator BB's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    West Wilts
    Well today was gorgeous weather, sunshine blue sky and 70 bikes of all ages signed up for the Horses run. The morning route was an evil one with plenty of narrow lanes and gravel. This I feel was a little disconcerting for those who have never been out with Bath Classic before; especially the two trikes… One comment at the finish was ‘how the hell did that trike get past the car in that single track lane?’ As apparently there were no passing places at that point.
    Gerald, one of the Bath Classic boys, had a little lie down at one junction during the morning due to the aforementioned gravel, he was a bit annoyed with himself but advised the only injury was a dent to the exhaust caused by the stand and some damage to pride.
    Everyone had a leisurely lunch at the Royal Oak Pewsey, especially as they struggled to cope with numbers a bit but everyone got their food in the end. Then it was back out for the more open, less gravelly second half. This proved a little more eventful with Ghost running out of marshals and backtracking to find another of the Bath Classic boys had thrown away his bike in some style. Eric is also annoyed with himself, especially as it looks like an insurance job with the bike. However the dragging jeans appeared to have worked reasonably as he got away with a scuffed up knee and a few bruises and was able to ride the bike home. Eric said to say thank you to everyone who stopped to help.
    Eventually everyone arrived back at the Magpies to exchange tales of the day.
    A big thank you to everyone who came along and hopefully enjoyed themselves. We raised over £350 for Macmillain Cancer so well done to everyone concerned.
    We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box.”

  2. Re: Horses run 9th Sept 
    PR Officer Nelly's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    £350 outstanding. A terrific day indeed 8-)
    "the empty can rattles the most!"

  3. Re: Horses run 9th Sept 
    Diamond Member Roxy's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Fantastic day, fantastic people, fantastic amount raised for a very worthy cause!

    Had a brilliant time today, massive thanks to Jud & Don for sorting it all out. Yet again I laughed my way round the route, was even smiling and chuckling when I broke down and glided to a stop at the side of the road and watched the other classics fade into the distance! I even manged to fix the bike myself!!!! and wait for the moderns to catch up so I could join that gang!

    Thanks guys!

    Roxy xxxx

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