

Type: Posts; User: malmesburywitch

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  1. Replies

    Re: where can you get a tyre on sunday

    just a quick but HUGE thank you to DMA Racing who are going to help out, the nice man has got someone to pop in this afternoon and fit the valve for me. Hows about that for helping someone out.
  2. Replies

    where can you get a tyre on sunday

    Is there anywhere to get a new valve fitted for a tyre on sunday in wiltshire/avon ?
  3. Replies

    Diversion seats

    does anyone know if a 97 seat will fit the 95 version of the yamaha xj900 diversion ? i know the seat was upgraded in 97 but i don't know if it was just the look or the fitting, any help appreciated
  4. Re: Police didn't wake me after an accident, gits

    good news the bike appears to ride well, slight rattle, pulled fairing out and bingo ready to go
  5. Re: Police didn't wake me after an accident, gits

    sorry full story was police chased a suspected DD (yes he was over the limit0 he lost control and totalled a range rover that hit a citroen c3 that hit the front of my bike, i slept through the lot...
  6. Re: Police didn't wake me after an accident, gits

    the poice finaly got in touch yesterday and gave me wait for it >>>> his name , address and reg, i talked to my insurance and got his insurance details, now i need to talk to them to get it checked....
  7. Re: Police didn't wake me after an accident, gits

    just managed to get to the bike, it looks ok but i am worried it may have effected the forks/steering not sure if its easy to check or if i ned to get a pro to look
  8. Police didn't wake me after an accident, gits

    Last night 22/23rd nov my bike was involved in a multi vehicle accident outside my house, it happened in stealth mode as no one was woken , perp hit first car, that hit next doors car, that hit my...
  9. Replies

    Re: hi to all im Mo

    Hi mon, welcome
  10. Replies

    Re: New Member from Chippenham

    hello and welcome
  11. Replies

    One more for the fold

    Once again a newbee, i live in malmesbury and ride a XJ900 diversion, hope to get to one of the meets soon, work permitting.
Results 1 to 11 of 23