Involved in a car accident... need some help!
Hi All,
I rear ended a taxi on Thursday just gone, won't go into details he just braked really hard and I had no hope! My passenger and his passenger both said the same but of course, I went into him so it's my fault. It happens, I'm over it.
My car suffered broken bumper, bonnet, front slam panel and cross member (sits behind the bumper) - other than that everything else looks untouched, engine is still nicely in place and so is the wings and surrounding body work.
Now, I want to repair this myself as a winter project but I don't want to plough money back to get it fixed if the chassis is bent or warped.
That's where I wondered, before I call a garage, if anyone on here for a fee will come and have a look and is from a mechanic / technician background. More than happy to pay for your time.
Would really appreciate any help / please leave sarcastic comments at home, not needed on this thread. :)